
Current Projects

Next up: I have founded New Ireland TV. A new TV station for a new Ireland. New Ireland TV is available FREE worldwide on Roku and Amazon Fire TV stick. No additional signup required, simply download from the channel store and enjoy!

New Ireland TV Editorial :: Joint World Cup Bid? Really?

Partition-era drama The Green Fella to make it's New Ireland TV debut

Reddit Torpedoes Capitalism :: New Ireland Editorial - 27 January 2021

Scotland Referendum // New Ireland TV Editorial - January 25th 2021

Lockdown Extended // New Ireland TV Editorial: 23 January 2021

New Ireland TV

Announcing New Ireland TV

Editorial: New Ireland, new dawn

Winner of the monologue competition!

Year Long Song Lists! The winningest game you can play!

Chatting Pictures - Darby O Gill behind the Scenes trailer

Father Ted Podcast S3E8 - Going to America

Announcing Chatting Pictures Podcast!